MWG provides industry leadership
to protect the environment

June 26, 2019

Sustainability and protection of the environment is something the Maurice Ward Group takes very serious. While other companies talk about it, the Maurice Ward group has taken the initiative to actually do something. To reduce CO2 emission the Maurice Ward Group decided to switch all their passenger cars into Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV). A multi million Euro order has been placed with Nissan to deliver Nissan Leaf cars to all offices.

The first 4 cars have been delivered, another 20 vehicles will be delivered later this year. By the end of 2020 the majority of our fleet of passenger cars will be replaced.

Additional to this, a number of fast charging stations will be placed at key locations to offer drivers enough capacity to charge their car during working hours. Even though the Maurice Ward Group believes that a collective collaboration of industries is needed to achieve a fundamental and positive change to the environment, we are not afraid to take a leading position and already started to invest heavily in the future of our planet.

Our company has been doing its best to contribute to lowering the CO2 emissions. That is why we have decided to equip our fleet with electric cars.

Find out more about the e-cars grant we applied for by clicking here.

Did you know?

The first ever ‘cargo only’ flight was recorded in November 1910 in the USA, using a Wright Model B aeroplane that flew 65 miles carrying a package of silk. The business owner used the pioneering transport more as a PR stunt to celebrate the opening of his store, with the bundle of silk cut into individual pieces and glued onto souvenir postcards.

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