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Case Studies

Benefit from our experience

We help design & streamline
supply chains for our customers

For over 50 years, we have a wealth of case studies available across a huge cross section of industries. From global corporations to SMEs, it is likely that, when we examine your supply chain, we will not need to completely reinvent the wheel. We will take advantage of current best practice we have already implemented for similar organizations in similar market segments. To this best practice, we add the specific logic & thinking that will work for you & your organization.

In analyzing any supply chain, we look at the entire picture. Rather than initially looking at the price & transit time to get goods from A to B to C, we will first ask why the goods cannot simply move directly from A to C. We will examine direct & indirect costs, direct & indirect overhead. The cost of managing suppliers, the administrative costs associated with booking & confirming shipments, the overhead associated with checking the accuracy of invoices. We examine your Duty & VAT management systems, why you may use

different brokers in the same economic block, why you may pay different duty rates on the same product in different countries. Our cause & effect methodology has proved to be a very effective tool for our customer base. A key policy of our organization is our unique “key once” approach. We truly believe data should be keyed only once in the complete supply chain & when this is achieved, huge indirect savings can be gained. “Key once” ensures that everything else is system driven using correct & accurate base data.

To view our case studies, please write to Make sure to outline the industry you are involved in & the issues you seek to resolve. Our team will then send you case studies relevant to your sector & scale & will help you drive more efficiency into your organisation.

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